LOOK NORDIC 2018     Vol. 504       6
                   e-mail: editor@nordic-times.co.uk  
The Editor [ Geoffrey E. Dixon-Hamilton ] has had the privilege of visiting the manufacturing, R & D, distribution, training centres of the listed marques. This included numerous press trips to Finland (SAAB), Sweden ( Volvo / SAAB ), southern Germany ( BMW / Porsche [ late Dr Porsche ] - Stuttgart ), England [ Oxford, Henley, Dagenham, Born - Volvo BV - Belgium ),  London, Coventry [ Jaguar ] / Scotland [ Irvine ] ( Volvo / Scania Truck ) Milton Keynes. The editor has, also, attended numerous Motoring Exhibitions held in: London, Geneva, Berlin, Birmingham. Test drives: Lotus, Volvo, Porsche, also, formed part and parcel of the examination of the traditional performance of these excellent cars.

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